Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Trip 9 -- West

Wait, it stopped raining? I wasn't sure if i needed to start gathering supplies to build an ark, but it looks like we're safe for now. I ended up going to see the Twins/Yankees game yesterday with a few friends. A great game it was, the Twins shut out the Yankees...I won't go into detail, but it was awesome. We then decided to leave for home right after the game, it always seems like a good idea until around Fargo when it really hits us. I don't recommend driving while tired.

Today I decided to head west. I was pretty disappointed to see that the sidewalk on 42nd doesn't span all the way from 32nd to Demers. I really don't like riding on busy roads where there's not much room for bicyclists.

I've decided to make a change, I'm not going to be taking as many pictures from now on to help reduce the time it takes for the page to load. So from now on, the posts will be a little bit smaller.

So that's where Sertoma Park is. I hear about it all the time, but I've never actually seen it. I always associate this park with rubber ducks. Isn't there some kind of annual rubber duck race or something here?

Some construction right off of 42nd, I believe these are going to be apartments. Not sure when they're supposed to be completed.

A view from the University overpass. Kinda intense having cars go nearly 80 right below you.

Now this kind of housing development is cool. The houses are actually unique from each other, not the Stepford Wives style houses in one of my earlier posts.

A view of the western edge of town, now I just need to explore the extreme eastern edge.

One more thing...I really hate when people park their cars so that it's blocking the sidewalk. Today I was on the sidewalk and a girl drove by me, looked at me, pulled into her driveway and parked right in the way of the sidewalk...come on people.

Oh well, thanks for reading!

Start: 4:06
End: 5:43
Temp: 81 degrees
Trip: 11.66 mi

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Anonymous said...

It is against the law to block a sidewalk with a parked car. give the police a call and complain. They will visit the home and explain it to the owner or they may issue a ticket. I did have a police visit and he was nice enought to explain that someone had complained that I was blocking the driveway and could get a ticket. I now park back on the driveway apron between the sidewalk and street (just enough room) and leave the sidewalk clear. The police also explained that parking on the apron was against the law, but if the sidewalk was open nobody would complain.

JP said...

I might do that next time, or if I'm constantly avoiding the same car every time. It does get pretty old.