Friday, August 1, 2008

My "First" Trip

Technically this would be my 5th or 6th trip, but for the sake of the blog I'll consider it my first. Nothing too exciting going on, since I thought of the idea of this blog about halfway through this trip. The pictures aren't the best quality because they're taken with my cell phone. I'll have to figure out a way to bring my digital camera.

On to the trip: I decided to explore the extreme southeast part of Grand Forks, a lot of things are new that Google Maps doesn't even have most of the buildings on there yet.

The first picture shows the new Aurora Medical Park. It's kind of forgotten along with other things on the extreme south end. But I have a feeling that this area will be booming within a few years.

As I got to the corner of 55th Ave. S. and Cherry St. I was surprised to see that the street was closed. Apparently some vandals decided plant a large wheat field in the way of the road, so they had to close it off. Damn kids.

As I said, I am easily distracted...especially by shiny balloons. I did not check out the garage sale, but I'm sure it's a grand ol' time. I also love the choice of Halloween colors to promote their sale. Bold move.

Like an oasis in the middle of the desert, here is Grand Forks' southernmost Valley Dairy, right by Aurora. I guess it does make sense, there are a lot more homes down there than people think...and as I said, that part of town is due to flourish. Stay cool indeed, Grand Cities.

I just thought this was a cool design for a house...some, or maybe even most may think it's ugly, but I like the non traditional house designs. If I can ever afford a house, I think I'm going to have it shaped like a dome...or a lighthouse.

Towards the end of my trek, I decided to use the tunnel going under Washington right by the WDAZ building. It seems like a lot of graffiti has seen its way in there, which doesn't surprise me. I have no idea why someone spray painted "JP RULZ" on the ceiling, but whatever. This would make a great spot to live if I'm ever homeless.

The trip was approximately 8.5 miles and the temperature at the time was 81 degrees.

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Well, that's it for now...please bear with me as I figure all of this blogging stuff out.


Anthony Strand said...

I always wanted to have a home with a moat and a drawbridge. And a spinning circular sign with an "A" on it.

Anonymous said...

Hey that's the side of town I lived on (Belmont and 47th avenue). It's actually a really nice area and very private.
We used to walk past that strange looking house everyday and wonder who in their right mind would build a house like day we saw the owner outside so we asked him. Turns out he's an architect and he was very proud of his creation. I always wondered how his neighbors felt...
