Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blizzard "Coyote" Howls; UND Doesn't Hear It

It's March right? Okay...just making sure. Winter will not go quietly, let's just hope this is its final roar. What a mess, I couldn't even park in my spot after returning from class because a giant drift filled it in. Oh and speaking of class, I like how every other college/university in the area has canceled classes and activities for the day but UND still feels the need to have a "business as usual" attitude during this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the last time UND shut down was for the flood. I don't think UND would close if Hell itself froze over. I don't know why they're so hesitant to close for a day during a blizzard, but they're unnecessarily putting students' and employees' lives in danger. Will everything really fall apart if they close up shop for one day? I had enough trouble getting to class living in Grand Forks, I couldn't imagine what travel is like in rural areas...i would assume that it's nonexistant at the moment.

The North Dakota Highway Patrol issued a no-travel advisory for our entire area, but still UND just chugs along like it was any other day. I do realize that professors have canceled class at their own discretion, but some don't...and I even had a test today that I trekked through this mess to get to. You would think that city employees trying to keep the roads clean as well as police officers trying to keep the roads safe would appreciate it if more people stayed off the roads. UND definitely is not doing their part, and I just do not understand why. Why are they so reluctant? NDSU closed for this most recent blizzard as well as for the blizzard that crippled the area in December and UND didn't even blink.

Anyways...here's a view of the mess from my window. This picture really doesn't do this storm justice, but I don't anticipate going outside for the rest of the day so this will have to do. The first day of Spring is in 10 days, surely the snow will be gone by then! .....i'm going back to bed.

Also if you're curious, the Grand Forks Herald is the group responsible for naming the blizzards in our area. They named this one Coyote in honor of Thompson resident Nancy Yoshida's lead dog. Yoshida is competing in this year's Iditarod race in Alaska. The other two blizzards were named Barack and Allie.


Of course not even an hour after I post this UND decides to shut down after all:

UND: No Classes After 3:30 p.m. Tuesday; Facilities Building Services Technicians Should Report At 4 a.m. Wednesday Instead Of 11 p.m. Tuesday
Due to weather conditions, UND will not hold classes after 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10. Facilities Building Services Technicians should report at 4:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning instead of 11 p..m. Tuesday night. All individuals are urged to exercise good judgment when making decisions about travel.
The UND Concert Choir performance scheduled for this evening has been canceled.
Tonight's basketball games at the Betty have been rescheduled to Thursday. The games originally scheduled for Thursday night will be played Saturday at noon.

Clearly they closed down as a result of reading this blog.

Probably not...but this is still too little, too late, the vast majority of students have already had their classes and there are very few with classes after 3:30. I will consider this them admitting they made a mistake by opening at all today...but like I said, too little too late.

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